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How Perception Affects Your Business | JI Bases

Written by JI Bases | May 3, 2023 5:13:33 PM

Whether you’re a designer, supplier, or manufacturer, your goal is to provide a product or service to your customers and keep their business. Consistency is key to a successful business. Staying consistent with policies, quality, and customer service provides a basis for your customer’s perception. The common thought is that perception is reality. We disagree—reality is perception. Companies can promise anything and everything, but it only matters if it’s the reality. So, where do perception and reality overlap?

A customer’s experience begins with their perception.

Perception can be the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. Many customers do research before purchasing a product or service: read customer reviews and testimonials, review contracts and policies, or visit the business’ website. They often base their decision on those first impressions. The perception, real or idealized, is the basis of their expectations.

From there, your company’s responsibility is to realize those expectations.

If you're unable to deliver as promised, customers can perceive your business negatively.  While marketing helps build brand recognition and awareness, there needs to be an equal effort in operations and fulfillment. If your company offers a lifetime guarantee, the policy should be clear and honored consistently. Your company should have a responsive, knowledgeable team if you promise prompt customer service. And if you advertise next-day shipping, you need a deliberate fulfillment system with straightforward, open communication for unexpected delays.

Consistency closes the gap between expectations (the perception) and actions (the reality). Failure to deliver on customer expectations affects their experience with the company moving forward. Once inconsistency stains the customer’s experience, redemption can be difficult.

But when your business supports your promised experience through consistent action, the perception becomes your ideal reality.